Archive for meryl streep


Posted in fun, random with tags , , , , on May 11, 2009 by carmenivana

Okay so I was on facebook and decided to do this Five mess. It has a real name but I refuse to look for it. Anyways, it asked for the top five people I would want on my side in a bar fight.
Let’s break it down. For every person I chose I will show you why they should be on your side as well.


He’s not afraid to fuck around and get caught, as long as at the end of the day his message has been passed along to the right people.

Samuel L. Jackson

I need Jesus, he busts out quotes from the Bible when killing fools. In the end we both win.

(“Recycle” -IB3)
She single handedly shut down KFC with those coupon deals. She’s too powerful to not keep her in your corner.

Meryl Streep

Just go to the :30 mark and be amazed. You know she punched someone in the face later that night.


OOOO OOOO!!!!!! People took this clip and just bashed her for being unprofessional and blah blah blah. I took this clip and watched it a billion and four times so I could see how to step my game up to get on her level.

And there you have it, the five people I would want on my side in a bar fight.